Diesel Particulate Filters

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What is Diesel Particulate Filters?

Diesel Particulate Filters the part of the exhaust system that controls and regulates the production of poisonous emission. It was invented to address the call of environmentalists to help save the earth. It gives 80% reduction in diesel soot which is a high percentage to help to protect the atmosphere. Fitted to most modern diesel vehicles and also forms part of the mot test as of March 2014.

How Does a DPF work? – It captures the tiny bits of the black substance known as soot from the exhaust. The filter is emptied regularly for maintained performance. This process is called regeneration. The diesel particulate filter should regenerate once the saturation reaches a certain level. There are two types of regeneration.

Passive regeneration is automatically done on motorway-type runs when the temperature hits high.

Active regeneration was made for cars which do not fit to automatic process. In this process, it is the engine management computer that works. Upon reaching the set limit of soot load, the ECU initiates the post combustion fuel induction and sets a higher level of temperature and triggers regeneration. The unsuccessful regeneration causes the oil to deteriorate and temperature to heat up. This leads to major engine problem.


DPF Cleaning Chesterfield

A regeneration can also be forced using diagnostic equipment which we have at Autoinspire to clear the diesel particulate filter off soot levels.

If a regeneration can’t be performed a replacement may be needed these need to be fitted and calibrated using suitable diagnostic software. DPFs can be quite costly but for a competitive quote or any advice please get in touch. Where one of our technicians will talk through the options available.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a DPF Filter? And why does it need to be cleaned?

Diesel particulate filters are a great way to clean up your diesel exhaust. Diesel particles can be dangerous, so these devices were created for just that purpose! The filter works by letting the gas pass through an open space where they will find any solids on it and trap them before escaping out another side with less dense walls around each channel which make up 90% of what remains after filtering away most harmful elements like metals or chemicals found in car emissions (so you don’t have too).

what is DPF cleaning?

Our DPF cleaning service helps to keep your engine running smoothly by removing excess soot from the exhaust. Our aqueous technology is designed with specialist chemicals that reduce emissions and regenerates automatically, but sometimes there’s still some left over!

How often does a DPF need cleaning?

There are two different types of DPFs, each with their own set cleaning instructions. The first type needs to be taken care if every six months or 200k miles accordingly but some models can go much longer without attention depending on how heavily they were used in prior years.

Some car or van manufacturers recommend an annual inspection for diesel particulate filters (DPF) which involves removing soot from the system using cooling agents before replacing them after use; however it may not be necessary at all times as there is no single rule book governing when this should occur outside individual manufacturer recommendations where appropriate.

What benefits do I get with regular DPF cleaning?

DPF cleaning will return your engine’s performance, increase fuel efficiency and reduce down time. It also prolongs the life of a car or van’s filter system by removing harmful particles from it!

How effective is DPF cleaning?

A DPF cleaning may be the best option for you to unblock your engine’s DPF and restore its full working order. This process requires hot enough temperatures in order fully burn away all particulate matter that has clogged it. It is an effective way to prolong the performance or your vehicles engine.

What is the DPF Deep Clean process?

There are two types of cleaning chemical cleaning on the vehicle injecting chemicals into the dpf in situ and forcing a regen after to clean the dpf

Removal of the dpf from the car where it is flow testing before and after and baked and cleaned in an oven restoring it to as new condtion

How long does it take to clean using your process?

The typical time for a DPF is 4-6 hours. This can increase if there are many DPS in the process, but you will know when they’re ready and free of charge! Sometimes we have incredibly fouled/contaminated DSFs like with catastrophic engine failure where predicting cleaning times becomes difficult other than saying that likely longer periods may elapse before returning them back into service or disposing off completely – at least until more workable methods become available.

Is the cleaning process safe for my DPF unit?

Yes, because the non destructive proprietary cleaning process does not effect the DPF’S make-up and is gentle on the walls along with the air drying process, the DPF is only subjected to its normal operating flows and pressure.

We do not use high pressure air jets, or extreme temperatures, which may promote cracking of the DPF element.

The DPF is a single unit that cannot be disassembled, can DPF Deep Clean process it?

Yes, because our process system is more flexible that high pressure air cleaning, we can clean DPF’S of any shape or configuration.

My DPF is completely blocked, can it be cleaned?

Depending on why the DPF is blocked can make a difference in what you do. A severely filled-up D particle filter may seem to be completely blocked, but will still clean normally unless it has experienced serious overheating during regeneration which might melt inside destroying its structure making repair impossible. Getting to the root cause of why the dpf is blocking up is vital to get the most from your dpf clean.

How much does DPF cleaning cost?

There are two type types of dpf chemical cleaning on the vehicle starting at £200 or removal of the dpf to have it cleaned off the vehicle and restoring to like new condition prices start from £250